
Repair Lawn Mowers Near Me Denver, CO

Mobile Small Engine Mechanic – Maintaining Your Lawnmower Denver, CO – Repair Hotline 720-298-6397 Today!

Lawnmowers are machines that are meant to last – lawn mower repair near me Denver, CO. Even the low cost brands can last up to 18 years while more expensive ones can last twice as much.

lawn-mower-repair-near-me denver-co

However, home owners need to maintain them well in order to keep the mowers running smoothly for a long time. Below are some 4 tips on how you can take care of and maintain your mower – lawn mower repair shop Denver, CO.

  1. Keep your blades sharp
  • sharp blades in lawnmowerslawn mower repair man Denver, CO are a gardener’s dream. Not only do they cut the grass cleanly, they also keep the grass healthy because of the clean cut. Blades typically become dull after a month or two of regular use. They should therefore be taken out of the mower.
  1. Replace or clean your air filter
  • gas mowers are usually equipped with air filters. In time, they get clogged and so they should be replaced or cleaned depending on the material they are made of lawn mower repair services Denver, CO. In general, paper filters are meant to be thrown away while
    those made of foam should simply be cleaned.

Searching for Mobile Small Engine Repair Service Denver, CO?

  1. Keep the tires well-inflated
  • well-inflated tires keep mowers running evenly lawn mower repair shops near me Denver, CO, especially in the case of the ride-on variety. The tire pressure should therefore be checked everytime before operating the mower.
  1. Use the right kind of oil
  • 5w-30w oil is needed by motorized mowers to keep the engine lubricated lawn mower repair mobile Denver, CO. The right kind of motor oil should always be bought to avoid destroying the engine.
  1. Clean lawn mower carburetor
  • While the exact recommendations for this vary from household to household, most experts say you should check and clean a lawnmower carb at least a few times a year. The reason for this is simple as you use your lawnmower, the grass, twigs, and debris the blade kicks up make their way into the small engine.
  1. Lawn mower spark plugs
  • Spark plugs of lawn mower must be changed when it has an adverse effect on the performance. Most manufacturers design spark plugs for a maximum of two years. To ensure optimum engine performance, changing the spark plugs once every year or after 30 hours of use is a good practice.

Mobile Small Engine Repair Medic Denver, CO

  1. Ignition coils
  • Using the Electronic Cleaner, spray the top and bottom of the coils where they connect to the wire and tabs, clean using the copper brush. Using the Electronic Cleaner again, clean the connections on the module at the point where the coils connect and the connector(s) itself.
  1. Tune-up lawn mower
  • The three main components involved in a mower tune-up are the air filter, spark plug and oil, all of which must be changed. The needed parts and supplies can be found at home centers and hardware stores. Start by changing the oil. Run the engine for a few minutes to warm up the oil so it’ll drain better.
  1. Seized cable?
  • Pour penetrating oil into the cable. Grab the inner cable with pliers and work it up and down to loosen it. When the cable moves freely and all the penetrating oil has drained out, squirt silicone lubricant into the funnel to keep the cable sliding freely. Reinstall the cable

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